Archive for rick ross port of miami

i AM whatever I say I am…

Posted in General Talk, MallyRemarks, Music, Pop Culture with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on September 11, 2010 by #1

Hello People….!

I know it’s been a long time since I’ve posted on this blog I got a bit lazy…BUT I am endeavouring now to get back into it and am going to try to write pieces regularly..!

Anyway i’m going to jump back in with a topic that has always been something that plays on my mind and gains quite a degree of scrutiny from time to time; this being the correlation between an artists music and the actuality of their lives.

Too Cool For School!....#YeahRight

This effect is evident whilst considering as remote a case as a young boy’s music i was listening to. This boy of 12 years old using home recording equipment, (like i’ve done in previous years) made a song to my amusement about heartbreak suffered at the hands of his ‘baby.’ While funny it did prompt me to consider that this boy, who i assert has not experienced heartbreak at such a tender age is just mirroring what he considers music should sound like!

Popular music at any period in time is saturated with songs of particular subject manner; and this boy in essence believed his chosen topic of crooning is what music should sound like or ‘what’s hot.’

Whilst novel in such remote instances, is it the same when this type of artistry is the sum of carefully crafted PR, millions of dollars, and fabricated pasts?

I consider music, like writing and other arts to be an avenue of expression. & would notion that artist’s would create music to express their feelings towards situations or share their experiences. However the phenomenon that i largely see emerging is one where music artists are creating music to which, when scrutinising the actuality of their lives they can not relate to!

music: is it what it used to be

Effectively, they have cleverly envisioned what sells in popular music and extravagantly construct an image, sound and story in order to reap financial gain. Not beating around the bush a prime example is William Leonard Roberts II aka Rick Ross. I’m not a frequent Hip-Hop listener BUT when i was, i was a fan of Ricky when he emerged on the scene with the Port of Miami in 2006 an album which boasted Ross’ “BAWSE” status and circumnavigated his supposed world of drug trafficking and kingpin lifestyle. As we all know he was GASSIN, & is probably the biggest fraud on Earth right now. In fact prior to rapping he worked as a correctional facilities officer, ironically perhaps as far removed as conceptually possible an occupation to that described in his raps. HOWEVER regardless of this his music is hot…that is a FACT. & he is one of the shining lights in Rap right now.


What I want to bring to the fore however is ethics! Are there any in music? should artists be ethically responsible for their music? (sorry to pick on you ‘Ricky’) He is a clever motherf**ker he STOLE the original Freeway Ricky Ross’ entire persona, & has become a millionaire. Is that right!?

The Real Rick Ross

Secondly the fact that he has done so well, does that not speak something of society? ‘We’ want to hear this shit about drug lords and killers and such right? Otherwise these artists would not be doing so well. Why? Why do we want to hear negativity & often by all means myths and lies! Would it be the same if an artist produced music detailing the lifestyle of a paedophile? Think about it!

Do we really want to support music of people who are criminals? if they actually are? When such and such claims to have killed multiple people is it cool that you support his music (if he is telling the truth). BUT let’s be real the majority of gangsters DO NOT make good rappers and your favourite rapper who CLAIMS to be a gangster is PROBABLY lying.


BUT on the flipside is this what artistry should be? The ability to create a persona and image and create music from and alternate standpoint(s) regardless of whether it’s factual?

Music is an extremely powerful tool and it is important to consider how it is used in your life and the effect it has on you. I, myself do not know if i could see my life without it! It is as essential as food and drink to my wellbeing. It is important to note that though such trends as discussed may exist in the mainstream there will always be artists that go against the grain and make music for their enjoyment, to express, & to soothe. Often to limited acclaim and little or no financial gain!

I’ll end by leaving you to ponder whether it would be OK for me to adopt the image of say…Sir Alan Sugar, live his lifestyle, and claim to have his business acumen, whilst living off a rich parent? You’d probably look at me as a fool